The days are getting colder and the trees are almost fully changed. We make sure to have multiple layers on to stay warm for the photography sessions. Every morning starts at 6.30am, a quick hot breakfast and then we are on the river by 7.15am till 11.30am.

Lunch is at 12 pm , usually a nice hot soup and a fresh bake of the day. We get a rest till 3pm and then it’s the perfect light session till sunset which is at 6.30pm to be back on the river.

A hot log fire awaits when we come back and another amazing dinner from Gary.

One evening I get to totally pig out as Trevor is not fond of the lemon cheesecake with raspberry coulis bear claws, so I get two portions, the group is quite impressed with the size of my dessert pouch, but apparently I am no where near the record, another guest set with 4 portions consumed.

All of us seem to be in bed and fast asleep by 9pm. Ah the life of a wildlife photographer. I was planning not to be doing video on this trip but after an hour on the river of the first day I snitch one of André’s cameras and can’t resist filming the action on the river.
One of the days it rains quite heavily and we all get drenched but this means the mountains are now snow covered and gorgeous as a backdrop.

We get a bit cold but the hand warmers are doing a great job.

The bears have a very specific way of eating the salmon, it’s the brain first because of its fat content, then skinning the thick and fatty skin before the body gets consumed.

The bears here are very gorgeous with a strong blonde gene manifesting in various combinations from a female fondly called Casper. We have one of her cubs returned this year, called Swayze, who has taken to joining the horses in their coral with the tasty oats. By the way there is no record ever of a grizzly taking a horse down.

When the sun comes out the Blue pool it is simply gorgeous and a favourite fishing spot. The autumn colours framing the bears.

There are a lot of bears on the river but they seem to be a little behind on the hyperfagia pre winter to fatten up, so they are very focused on feeding. The cubs of the year even in a week have learnt new fishing techniques from Mum and are now comfortable fishing in the river not just on the edge.

Sometimes the bear strikes Gold, a two fish scoop.

We are on our last day and the weather has cleared again for our final scouting.

We have been given some incredible experiences, including walking down to the dock being met by the Mum and three cubs, tolerant , patient bears and we leave this precious corner of the world with great memories. Not the least is our last hour on the river when Trevor spots a very light cub walking down the hill above the lodge. With the binos I see another one, then another one and then the Mum. We get treated to the prettiest set of chubby cubs ever on the river. They look very healthy and Mum has taught them well to fish.
Farewell beautiful family.

My favourite photo….Swayze with a sockeye 🤣